Monday, April 9, 2018

Quiet day on the farm

Lets see, what's going on at the farm? Not much today. Kind of quiet. Waiting on a few more girls to lamb and of course the weather to warm up. I have several ewes shaved that really need to go out into the field, buts its been too cold for them With having multi births and being shaved it takes too many calories from the moms to feed and stay warm, that puts them in a ketosis state. NOT GOOD. So I patiently wait for the weather to improve and then I'll boot them outside.

Worked on some candles. These are Cherry Blossom ones. Pictured below.

Have some little plugs starting under my grow lights.  I'm starting a variety of Scabiosa. And of course a picture of the little plants saying hello to the world.

Sun is starting to shine just before it is ready to set.  At least the babies outside can catch a few rays before bedtime.

I have one personal little rant. I am Facebook friends with a few Chinese Crested people and a old name came up about her bulling new Crested owners.  This person who is being a huge bully and a big "C" word.  Has skeletons in her closet like everyone else. So talk about a hypocrite.

My two cents..... "Unless you can walk on water, you have to room to JUDGE"

Peace out,  farm peeps!

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